Dec 21, 2000
Honorable George W. Bush
President of the United States
The White House
Washington, D. C. 20500
Dear Mr. President:
As Deputy Chairman of the Leadership Council of the Government of Free Vietnam and President of the Southeast Asia Imperial and Royal League: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Burma, and on behalf of the 230,000 members of the Government of Free Vietnam inside Vietnam and around the world, I welcome and congratulate you as the newly elected 43rd President of the United Sates of America. Within the next four years, we, the Government of Free Vietnam, believe your voice will bring great changes to the United States as well as the world. In the past few years, our organization has received considerable devotion and time from former presidents, as well as other government officials in our cause to bring democracy and freedom to Vietnam. As you know, Vietnam remains one of the poorest countries in the world. With approximately 80 million people, the average household annual income of a Vietnamese family in Vietnam is no more than what an average person makes in a day here in America. Furthermore, basic human rights and freedom are violated everyday in Vietnam. These are the reasons why 3 million Vietnamese refugees in America and across the world still struggle to bring democracy and freedom to their native country.
We believe that with you, the hope for a Free Vietnam shines even brighter. We are confident that with your support, Vietnam will regain its independence and gain the peace and prosperity for which we have fought so hard and so long. Eighty million suffering Vietnamese in Vietnam and 3 million Vietnamese refugees will remember your great help in their time of need.
With the coming of the New Year, we would like to wish you and your family the very best. I thank you for your determination and courage in the continuous fight for human rights and freedom around the world.
HIH Prince Buu Chanh
Government of Free Vietnam
Deputy Chairman of the Leadership Council in Charge of Foreign Affairs

Government of Free Vietnam
12755 Brookhurst Street # 104, Garden Grove, CA 92840
Telephone (714) 638-9990 Fax (714) 638-9997
@ Confederation Development Free Vietnam @ A Journey to Viet Nam @ CAMBODIA @ Established the Revolutionary Government of Free Vietnam @
"Just cause" Conference @ Indochina Frontier Convention @ 37 fighter arrested @ Established the Free Vietnam Youth Foundation @ Taking over radio stations in Vietnam @ Cases 2001 @ Public Forum Debate @ National People's Conference 1 @ Organized the Vietnamese National Party @ Published Charter and presenting the Provisional Government of Free Vietnam @ Radio and Press of the Government of Free Vietnam @ National People's conference 2 @ Detained in Seoul, Korea @ Conference of the Vietnam National Party @ Attended a hearing about Human Rights at the United Nations @ Founded GLOBALTV @ Winner of Human Rights - Leader Prize of Asia-Pacific Human Rights Foundation @ Established the Alliance of the Vietnamese People @ Images of International Campaigns @ Presented dossiers of VIetnamese Communists at the UN @ Newspapers from Vietnam Government @ International Press @ Newspapers of overseas Vietnamese Press @ Press Release @ Newpapers of the GFVN @ Photos 1995 - 2015 @