February 05, 2005
First Lady Laura Bush,
The White House,
Washington DC, 20502-0184
From: Chanh Huu Nguyen
United States – Indochina Mission (USIM)
Subject: Coordinated Action to end Vietnamese trafficking in Cambodia.
The plight of Vietnamese children, teenagers, and young women sold in the trade in Cambodia and across the planet is beyond any words, any conventional thinking. Experts have estimated that about 45,000 to 50,000 women and children are clandestinely transported to the United States. Approximately, 30,000 of them are children and women from Southeast Asia. Vietnam, under the Communist ruling, is the primary source country for persons trafficking. For 30 years, Vietnam has been one of the highest yielding countries for traffickers in Southeast Asia, exporting several tens of thousands of people each year in both genders and in young ages abroad for labor companies and sexual exploitation industry. Cambodia is one of the destination and transit countries for the Vietnamese exploitation and trade.
Responding to your message on June 23, 2004 presenting strategies to combat human trafficking in Asia, we, United States – Indochina Mission (USIM), a non-government organization and a Human Rights agency, have been raising awareness and exposing the trafficking crimes in the Vietnamese community worldwide through our Radio Free Vietnam, FM2-SCA and its internet broadcasts. We recognize that the Free and Non-Communist Vietnamese in America and elsewhere have to stand up and help themselves. It is the urgency of the hour that the American government and USIM work together to end this scourge. The job cannot be accomplished if we do not go to the sources in Southeast Asia and deal with these issues appropriately.
Indeed, with cautious and hard works, we have been compiling several thousands documents of identified victims in Cambodia. Our first focus is young Vietnamese girls aged 11 to 16 years old sold in sexual industry. Our documentation consists of their live testimonies on their current and persistent ordeal, their pictures, and their personal affidavits. We have strong evidence that we do not trust the Cambodian government and its police force. They are known to their participation and accomplice in the trade with their counterparts from the Communist Vietnam. In fact, Cambodian and Vietnamese police protect and foster human trafficking.
Recognizing you and the President as two key persons valuing Human Dignity and Liberty, also having Compassion and Determination, we are asking you to exercise your powers to assist us in achieving the following plan:
1. To continue with the investigation, identification, and documentation on the victims in Cambodia.
2. To retrieve or buy out the victims with the cost of $1000-$2000 (US dollars) per person from Cambodian/Vietnamese gang enterprises.
3. To establish and to secure safe houses for the victims in Cambodia staffed with USIM and other genuine NGO workers.
4. To transport the victims by air or by sea to safer and permanent places.
5. To resettle the victims in America and other free countries, for instances Guam Island or the US Virgin Islands.
a. To issue an immigration relief and quotation for the victims.
b. To assist victims in rehabilitation and re-establishing healthy social/human relationship.
We plan three rescued “waves”. Our first is to rescue about 2500 youngsters, then about 5000, and finally about 4000 ones.
If you tune in to these children testimonies, their desperate and unheard cries, you cannot close up your heart. Please help efficiently. These girls and children are slaves for life. By saving them, you help save America. In fact, according to FBI reports, 29% of traffickers in America are Vietnamese gang organizations, 45% are Chinese. They have ties in the Communist Vietnam, Cambodia, and other neighboring countries.
Please contact me at the office address and phone number, or at email address usim2005@yahoo.com for a prompt meeting and plan of actions. These children have been counting each day and dreaming of their liberty. They deserve to have education, health, and future. Thank you so much. God bless you, America, and planet Earth.
Respectfully yours,
Chanh Huu Nguyen.
United States - Indochina Mission
@ Confederation Development Free Vietnam @ A Journey to Viet Nam @ CAMBODIA @ Established the Revolutionary Government of Free Vietnam @
"Just cause" Conference @ Indochina Frontier Convention @ 37 fighter arrested @ Established the Free Vietnam Youth Foundation @ Taking over radio stations in Vietnam @ Cases 2001 @ Public Forum Debate @ National People's Conference 1 @ Organized the Vietnamese National Party @ Published Charter and presenting the Provisional Government of Free Vietnam @ Radio and Press of the Government of Free Vietnam @ National People's conference 2 @ Detained in Seoul, Korea @ Conference of the Vietnam National Party @ Attended a hearing about Human Rights at the United Nations @ Founded GLOBALTV @ Winner of Human Rights - Leader Prize of Asia-Pacific Human Rights Foundation @ Established the Alliance of the Vietnamese People @ Images of International Campaigns @ Presented dossiers of VIetnamese Communists at the UN @ Newspapers from Vietnam Government @ International Press @ Newspapers of overseas Vietnamese Press @ Press Release @ Newpapers of the GFVN @ Photos 1995 - 2015 @