Government of Free Vietnam
12755 Brookhurst Street # 104, Garden Grove, CA 92840 Telephone (714) 636-9514 Fax (714) 636-9513

November 8, 1999
The Honorable Vice President Al Gore
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, D.C.20500
Phone:(202) 456-1414
Fax:(202) 456-2461
RE: Questions that need to be clarified.
U.S. policies on Human Rights, Democracy and Freedom.
Your Honorable,
First, on behalf of the Vietnamese refugees who have fled the communists and currently are residing in the United States, we ask you to accept our thanks and gratitude for all the assistance you and America have bestowed upon our compatriots in the past quarter of a century. Such enduring magnanimity convinces us that this country and you have a predilection for those who braved perils and death in search of freedom, thus showing how much they valued democracy and spirit of freedom.
Democracy and Freedom are the very subject of this letter. Our people and the Government of Free Vietnam (GFVN) in the past three months have been engulfed by floods of incredible events and happening that caused us to be greatly disturbed as well as confused by the U.S. strategies and policies concerning Vietnam.
It is apparent that the primordial question that bothers us is whether the current U.S. policies still continue to support the movement that fought for Human Rights, Democracy and Freedom in the World, such as in Vietnam. Evidence of this can be based on the fact that some of the officials in the U.S. Security Agencies have relentlessly displayed actions that tend to be divisive [for and] among Vietnamese, thus neutralizing and isolating our means to fight communism, and most importantly sapping the credibility and prestige of the leadership of the Government of Free Vietnam. We often and rightfully so-wonder whether this attitude is the new trends of the U.S. Foreign [Affairs] Policy or just a negative behavior in isolation of a few individuals that have pro-Communist tendencies.
The Communists dominated Vietnam for nearly 25 years but have not proven that they are capable of leading the country and fostering a progressive society—compatible with the aspirations of the Vietnamese people. Worse, the Vietnamese communists purposely generated corruption and feudal bureaucracy, causing the fatal disintegration of the society. Moreover, for being denuded of good will and of any ability to govern and mange the [Vietnam] nation, the communists dragged almost the entire population down the pit of stagnation, backwardness, starvation and misery. This deplorable situation can be currently seen in vivid color on television and broadcast daily on international TV and radio channels.
Most significantly, while the American people genuinely desire [to promote] the healing of the wounds of the Vietnam War, the Vietnamese Communist Party – in contrast- continue to instruct their propaganda machines to openly attack and curse the American Government, even right during the period when they are waiting for the signing of the Normalization of Commerce and Exchange Treaty with the U.S. Administration. We are certain that you are knowledgeable of this reality.
Because of this viciousness and malevolent behavior, we can now observer that even the top cadres, the high ranking generals of the Communist Armed Forces such as Hoang Minh Chinh, Nguyen Ho, Nguyen Van Tran, Nguyen Thanh Giang, Gen. Tran Do etc… were committed to officially voice their criticism against the Vietnamese Communist Party (VCP) and one by one, in succession, proclaimed their demand for True Democracy and Real Freedom for Vietnam.
Furthermore, the religious condition too, is no longer bearable, prompting many religious leaders in Vietnam to officially protest against the policies of oppression, plunder and injustice of the Vietnamese Communist Party (VCP) despite the fact that these world known leaders have been persecuted or presently are being oppressed.
Under such conditions cited here in the above, the only option left is for us to accelerate the impetus in our struggle to eliminate communism from Vietnam, in order to install a new government, elected by the people and rightfully selected by the majority of the population of free Vietnam.
We struggle not because we want to wage war, take revenge or create a bloodbath in Vietnam.
We struggle because we cannot accept the ignominy of letting the Vietnamese Communist Party prolong their violations of Human Rights and their stomping over the aspiration of nearly 80 million Vietnamese people.
We struggle because we cannot ignore the subversive activities of the Vietnamese Communist Party against the Vietnamese Refugee Communities throughout the world, and especially in these United States.
We struggle because we are able to recognize the peril emanating from the fact that the longer the Vietnamese Communists are allowed to hold power in Vietnam, the greater the chance for a coalition to form between Communist Vietnam and Red China, an opportunity that just waits for a window to resurrect, well in accordance with the long-term and intensive planning of the Chinese. If such a plan should be implemented, then China undoubtedly would have the upper hand in Indochina, and eventually would extend its tentacles all over South East Asia.
For the future of the entire population of Vietnam and the common stability of the entire South East Asia, we have no other solution but to continue our struggle until a new and viable regime that respects Human Rights, Civil Rights and International Public Law in Vietnam can become a reality.
As expatriates, we have no other choice but to seek support in every aspect of moral and material in order to achieve the revolution for the democratization of Vietnam. We place our faith in the special support from the free nations, especially America, an anti-Communist ally of long standing as well as a world leader in democracy and freedom.
Based on this faith, we had no hesitation in the selection of the site for the Government of Free Vietnam’s world headquarters which is in California. From this center we direct and coordinate all world-wide operations and activities.
The recent obstacles and barrens that we encountered did not hamper our faith in the U.S. support. We strongly believe that America will always support those gallant individuals that are well trained and motivated and with viable means and committed support, to carry out their struggle for freedom. That truly we continue to pace our facts in the American fair play and the U.S. support, even after the lifting of embargo against Communist Vietnam and the decision of the U.S. Administration to exchange diplomatic ties with Hanoi. We understand that their decisions were economic ones, but the American Government, we believe, would never change their policy that is based on their philosophical foundation and America would never forget that she is the Nation that pioneered Democracy and the Safeguard, and protection of Freedom and Democratic ideals.
Regarding material and monetary support: The fall of the Republic of Vietnam in 1975 and the collapse of the Cold War taught us not to place our economic dependence in a sole country even it is a sworn ally. We have chosen self-reliance and self-support. We need moral support but we do not expect financial assistance from any country including and especially the United States. We have never campaigned for nor solicit contribution of money from Vietnamese Refugees Overseas. The Government of Free Vietnam continues to operate and develop in stability and strength thanks to the endowment and support and benefactors and friends from around the world and especially from South East Asia. The endorsements and financial supports do not cause any hindrance toward the strategies of the U.S. in South East Asia. In contrary, they heightened the effectiveness and import the efficiency in the elimination of communism in the world, thus increasing the prospect of a brighter future for all mankind.
Thanks to the sincere and unconditional support describe above, we were able to obtain appropriate methods and means to expedite activities of advocating Freedom and Democracy for Vietnam through recent years; especially the network of “structures” operating smartly and in strength inside Vietnam. We have now the confidence that, despite any difficulty, we will be able to generate formidable political events in our favor right inside Vietnam whenever the needs arise.
Nevertheless, as diligent and careful as we endeavored in the performance of our mission, we could not avoid the unpleasantness and vicissitude created by certain security agencies of the U.S.
First, our two devoted American friends who for years have valiantly supported our movement , Dr. Arthur Suchesk and Mr. Gary Pierce. Both have suddenly and simultaneously have met with the most unfortunate and unexplainable misfortune.
Next, in the same timeframe, I myself as well as a number of GFVN members have been subjected to continuous harassment by local security forces in Orange County {California}, Miami {Florida} and Massachusetts.
To date, there is no sign that these obstinate harassment would soon subside or disappear. Our complaint is these harassment have caused many members of the GFVN cabinet and mid-level supervisors to be extremely distraught and angry. Moreover, in the name of mutual close relationship between the U.S. and the GFVN and because of the prestige of the U.S. government, we respectfully and most urgently petition and appeal to you to use your influence and your own authority to bring to light and justice the above cited events, namely the untimely death of Dr. Arthur Suchesk and the constant harassment by security forces to Mr. Gary Pierce. We sincerely ask your help in protecting the good name of Human Rights, for the United States have upheld the shining tradition of Respect for Democracy, Civil Rights and Freedom in the land of the Free.
We are awaiting your early reply so that we could present the results to Vietnamese people all around the globe and even inside Vietnam. We also hope to have a discussion with you on solving a number of problems that we have presented to you in this letter.
Thank you for your consideration and attention. May the Good Lord bless you and beloved members of your family.
Respectfully Yours,
Nguyen Huu Chanh
Government of Free Vietnam
@ Confederation Development Free Vietnam @ A Journey to Viet Nam @ CAMBODIA @ Established the Revolutionary Government of Free Vietnam @
"Just cause" Conference @ Indochina Frontier Convention @ 37 fighter arrested @ Established the Free Vietnam Youth Foundation @ Taking over radio stations in Vietnam @ Cases 2001 @ Public Forum Debate @ National People's Conference 1 @ Organized the Vietnamese National Party @ Published Charter and presenting the Provisional Government of Free Vietnam @ Radio and Press of the Government of Free Vietnam @ National People's conference 2 @ Detained in Seoul, Korea @ Conference of the Vietnam National Party @ Attended a hearing about Human Rights at the United Nations @ Founded GLOBALTV @ Winner of Human Rights - Leader Prize of Asia-Pacific Human Rights Foundation @ Established the Alliance of the Vietnamese People @ Images of International Campaigns @ Presented dossiers of VIetnamese Communists at the UN @ Newspapers from Vietnam Government @ International Press @ Newspapers of overseas Vietnamese Press @ Press Release @ Newpapers of the GFVN @ Photos 1995 - 2015 @