Open Letter
LITTLE SAIGON, Southern California
September 01, 2016
Dear Compatriots,
Approximately 100 million Vietnamese people have been deprived from their genuine endeavors to bring Freedom, Happiness and Independence for their country but are strangled by the totalitarian regime in Vietnam.
The sitting administration has always been proud of its much freer and more democratic regime than other countries. In reality, numerous demonstrators including women and children have been brutally assailed, apprehended and incarcerated for struggling and protecting environment, greenery, fishery, etc.
Even though the Vietnam War ended more than 40 years ago to “unify our motherland,” peace did not exist. For many years after the war, the Vietnamese Communist Party had slain millions of people to seize power and control; in fact, the so-called “country’s independence” today is just a deceit to serve partisan ambitions while strategically collaborating with International Communist forces.
This website was created to pay tribute to those Vietnamese Patriots
who have sacrificed all their lives for their country’s liberation.
Corruption is an irredeemable national issue. Government officials in all areas of finance, banking, construction, investment, real estate to law enforcement agencies (LEA) such as the courts, police and the Supreme Court... have committed fraud, bribery, misrepresentation, embezzlement to their heart’s content up to billions of dollars, causing serious repercussions for the whole country.
In particular, the Formosa Company in Ha Tinh, Vietnam recently discharged hundreds of tons of extremely noxious chemicals into the sea, killing countless birds and fish, devastating the whole aquatic ecosystem in four central coastal provinces, damaging the environment and potentially people's lives nationwide.
The Vietnamese Government cannot persuade international investors because the Communist Party’s totalitarian policies have always been an obsession and a potential menace to their investments and business.
The reality is that Vietnam’s tattered economy now prompts a stagnation compared with neighboring nations, leading to being heavily indebted and financially exhausted.
Painfully and disgracefully, Beijing has also exploited “the Communist comradeship”. They crossed our country’s border and invaded our territory and islands. In response to these occupying acts, the Vietnamese Communist Government simply remained obsequious and loyal to its “Communist superior” by continuing to repress and subdue its own people by Armed Forces.
We will continue to be under China’s control and unable to emerge as long as our country still depends on China politically.
Standards of morality, seems to be dropping across the board since our people’s human dignity and fundamental rights were eradicated.
The foregoing issues seem endless unless there would be a MULTI-PARTY system or a PLURALISTIC institution which is able to break the stalemate, promising a bright future for Vietnam.
The unprecedented success of the transition from DICTATORSHIP to DEMOCRACY of Burma is a lesson that Vietnam needs to fearlessly follow, disengaging itself from China's control and self-controlling our own destiny for the future of our country in the next generations to come.
Such wonders are not out of reach. Only the ruling leaders’ situational awareness and intestinal fortitude can CHANGE THE DESTINY OF OUR COUNTRY IN PEACE. The situation in Vietnam is more pressing than ever; the over 60-year blood feud due to the fratricidal war may easily result in a coup and end up in violence or bloodshed.
To protect the tyrannical regime, the Communist Party has used violence to oppress dissidents. The crueler the oppression is, the greater people’s fury grows. The rage of people spreading over Vietnam now is like an active volcano which may fiercely erupt at a moment’s notice.
In an attempt to save our homeland, the Vietnamese National Party and Government of Free Vietnam were formed in 1995 to help our people battle democratically against the Communist regime.
The two organizations consist largely of all society classes, politicians, high-ranking officials of the First and Second of the Republic of Vietnam, Representatives of all Religions, Intellectuals and the Youth… irrespective of age or gender.
International Communism had crumbled in the early 1990s. Statues of Lenin and Karl Marx were toppled by local residents. Mikhail Gorbachev, former General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, said the Soviet communism he served most of his life was just "pure propaganda." Boris Yeltsin, the first President of the Russian Federation, also asserted: “Let's not talk about Communism. Communism was just an idea, just pie in the sky” or “It's not democracy when a dictator is walking around with a sword in his hand. This is inadmissible.”
All Vietnamese people realize that Communism has been hindering the country from having freedom and democracy to integrate with other nations. While there are so many young talented Vietnamese at home and abroad desirous to re-construct the country, but are unable to make joint efforts to build a prosperous Vietnam just because of the despotic political opinions of the Vietnamese Communist Government.
My fellow compatriots, the whole world has changed. Even the Soviet Communist leaders have changed their views on Communism.
Long-standing militarism in Burma was terminated years ago. We believe our dedicated young ambitious men and women who have never experience war yet are willing to sacrifice their happiness, personal lives and dreams to contribute to something far greater than themselves regardless of grave peril, imprisonment or death.
The International community is standing by to support our efforts in all areas as long as Vietnam has a democratic Constitution. Only then Vietnam can reclaim the Paracel and Spratly Islands from Beijing’s clutches.
We welcome you to visit our website library which consists of a myriad of historic documents, unedited images and footage of the Vietnamese National Party and Government of Free Vietnam.
Our compatriots include but not limited to former Heads of State of South Vietnam, Prime Ministers, General Secretary, Generals, Officers and Soldiers of the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, religious representatives and intellectuals.
These documents provide corroborating evidence to support patriotism and undaunted determination of our countrymen who have neglected fame and fortune, past positions, current comfort in order to get involved in an inevitably enduring arduous battle; aiming for the pursuit of Happiness, Liberty, Independence and Honor for the country.
Fighters of the Government of Free Vietnam at home and abroad pledge to struggle dauntlessly until there is a New Vietnam with true Peace and Unification. The Alliance of National Vietnamese, an organization of all unified Vietnamese compatriots at home and abroad will determinedly defend the full sovereignty of our territory and islands against all enemies and together build a Pluralistic and Multi-party political system and a prosperous Vietnam.
Respectfully yours,
Nguyen Huu Chanh
1990 - 1995
- C D F
Revolutionary Goverment of Free VN
1996 - 2000
- Indochina Frontier Conference
- Broadcasting Operation 2000
2001 - 2005
- CASE of Vo Duc Van, Nguyen Tan Vinh,
- The National People's Conference 1
Provisional Government of Free VN
- Organized the Vietnamese National Party
- Published Charter and presenting the:
Provisional Government of Free VN
- Radio and Press of the (RFVN) VNTD
- The National People's Conference 2
2006 - 2010
- Detained in Seoul, Korea (2006)
- Conference of the Vietnamese National Party
- Attended a hearing about Human Right at UN
- Winner of Human Rights Leader Prize (APHRF)
2011 - 2015
the Alliance of the Vietnamese People
- Presented dossiers of Vietnamese
Communists at the United Nations
2016 - Present
Revolutionary Road
- Images of International Campaigns
- Newspapers from Vietnam Government
- Newspapers of Overseas Vietnamese Press
- The destiny of Vietnam
- Self-determination
- Event in 2015
- The destiny of Vietnam
- Self-determination
- Event in 2015
- The destiny of Vietnam
- Self-determination
- Event in 2015
- The destiny of Vietnam
- Self-determination
- Event in 2015
The Truth About
The Vietnam War
THESE DOCUMENTS show the incredibly arduous journey that Mr. Nguyen Huu Chanh and his comrades have overcome in spite of innumerable adversities, even their lives to topple the Communist regime in Vietnam.
MEETINGS and CONVENTIONS of the GFVN contribute to the plans of rebuilding the country which must be based on people’s inalienable wills and rights.
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS calling for support from the international community in order to regain democracy and human rights in Vietnam.
Pictures - Overseas Activities