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Dear Compatriots:


On this day twenty-five years ago, the legitimate government of Vietnam fell under Communist rule.  Ever since that day, the people of Vietnam, whether from the North or South, have had to endure much starvation, humiliation, mangled death, and ruin. 


In one quarter of a century past, the Communist State of Vietnam “(CSVN)” has implemented a party-dominated and dictatorial regime that are adverse to the developmental needs of the nation and the aspirations of an entire population who  wants to achieve security, happiness, and progress.


Today, when the rest of the world is moving towards free, modern, and democratic governments; our country, under the selfish and incompetent leadership of the CSVN, remains one of the most impoverished nations in the world.  Who can the CSVN blame for the state of Vietnam’s economy now that the last gunshot from the war was heard twenty-five years ago?  Who can they blame when Communist Vietnam has also received lots of foreign aid for the last decade?




Dear Compatriots:


In the fifty years of their control over the North and twenty five years of their control over the entire country, the CSVN have shown that they are more concerned about garnering power for themselves and the party, while neglecting the welfare of the country and the millions of distressed Vietnamese.


Today, the plight of our people and nation has still not awakened the CSVN leadership?  Furthermore, at a time when the vast majority of our people are starved and destitute, struggling day and night for scraps of food and shelter, the CSVN purposely ignores their cries and continues to allow its party officials to wantonly steal from the public coffers.  Robbing millions of the poor people of their hard-earned money and misappropriating foreign investment funds and exerting their tyranny are intolerable. 


The CSVN must accept responsibility for the graft and corruption perpetrated by a number of high ranking officials upon those less fortunate.  Indeed, the funds extorted from grafts by these communist leaders and cadres far exceed the cumulative incomes of tens of million disenfranchised workers and laborers.  This is the reality of the status in Vietnam – which utterly demonstrates that the greedy and power-hungry Communists are devoid of conscience and worthiness.


Under such burning condition, I strongly believe that with the exception of a privileged few who are enjoying special powers and benefits, the absolute majority of the people of Vietnam wish nothing but the earliest possible demise of CSVN regime.


It is also noteworthy that there are many true patriots who previously had, or currently have, to be present inside the regime’s apparatus, harbor deep dissatisfaction; they demand that unless immediate “glasnost” and true  change by the party to be realized, the nation will face bankruptcy and annihilation.  These patriots truly love our motherland and have good conscience.  Someday - - and very soon - - they will surely rise and show their determination in open action.


The character, credentials, and good will of the Communist party are no longer points for debate.  Of utmost importance is our resolve to end this crisis without bringing the destruction of war to our homeland or further inflicting senseless loss of property and life on our people- - the very ones who always have suffered the most and subjected to the greatest losses.  


Let’s make it clear: We all want our homeland rid of the prolonged calamity and interminable disasters, but we must act in such a way that the desired change would not degenerate into new conflicts that devastate the nation.




Dear Compatriots:


Today war no longer is a viable option to solve the problem of our motherland.  Our people have gone through enough pain, losses, and vicissitudes.  However, since the CSVN are determined not to seriously respond to the aspirations of the entire population, the Government of Free Vietnam “(GFVN)” is obligated to launch a revolutionary struggle – wide and deep – in order to regain the right to life, freedom and self-determination for the Vietnamese people. 


For the future of our country and to honor the nation’s glorious past, the GFVN hereby formally accepts to take the lead in this responsibility.  We vow to champion the spirit of our Forefathers who proclaimed:




“(Lấy chí nhân thay cường bạo

Đem đại nghĩa thắng hung tàn”)


We will not use the sort of retribution that calls for “an eye for an eye”; we will not allow the historic prior period of twenty-five years of darkness to repeat.  The GFVN will leave the judgment in total fairness to the people of the future.




Dear Compatriots:


Our country is now in a critical quandary.  We cannot just sit idle while the future of nearly eighty million people is being sacrificed to an unworthy minority who tyrannized our country.  It is time we recapture our right to self-determination and take possession of the future of our children and grandchildren.


Compatriots, you need not worry about the country’s stability after the demise of the Communist Government. With humanitarian, accessible and sagacious policies of the GFVN, the coming day of “conversion” will not be massacre and carnage of our people as the Communists did during and after their takeover of South Vietnam in 1975. 


We in the GFVN are confident that we will have met the extensive requirements for material resources and encyclopedic brain trust conducive to swift and systematic redevelopment of the nation and reconstruction of a society that is the worth of our generation and the pride and source of happiness for future generations. 


Vietnam shall not suffer the same fate as Russia because we have not been isolated from the world for 70 years as the Soviet people were.  The majority of our people realize the value of freedom, democracy, and the true meaning of market economy.   


The GFVN promises to work along with other allied associations in and out of the country toward a Free National Election. Once the political situation has stabilized, we will set up a democratic government as soon as possible and after the new government is in place, the GFVN will officially dissolve itself and integrate itself into the activities of a new democratic society.

A Call to Action!






Mission of Extermination

---    KHMER ROUG    ---

Plans to save and
rebuild the nation
International documents
Recognition and
Operation PEACE
Documents of
Documents of 
the SEOUL Case
Documents of
World Citizen


Operation PEACE











Charter of the
Government of Free Vietnam
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